Life is too short to do something that doesn't bring you joy.


We are all perfectly imperfect beings and shouldn't be afraid to show our flaws.


You are in control of your thoughts, actions, and destiny.

I'M Madhu


I always felt unorganised and living in disarray.  My body had so many aches and painsI never felt like I had finished work/ I was on 24/7.  Logistically, it was just too hard to get to movement or personal development classes. I was wasting time doing so much and getting nothing done. I had very little self esteem, overthinking everything and had loads of negative self talk.



My children were my world, and still are, AND I needed TIME AWAY FOR ME   to be the best mama I could be.

I knew something had to change.

With 4 little ones at home, I was exhausted and so in love. I wanted to give them the best I could, but with no down time, I ran myself into the ground. My nervous system was so deregulated that I was experiencing crazy energy swings, I was incredibly anxious and so uncomfortable in my own body.  Feeling so many nagging aches and pains and my health was declining.

One day I remember sitting at the table with my 4 cherubs and apologising for the very unappetising meal of mush I had thrown together. My oldest son, 13, looked at me and said. “ It’s ok Mum, there’s just no love in it”


He was right

Nourishing my children had just become another chore. They weren’t being nourished on any level

How can you nourish anyone when you are so undernourished yourself?

I had to take action and change what I was doing and who I was being

I began to wake up earlier and do a yoga practice in the stillness of the morning. The movement combined with the breath had an astonishing uplifting effect on my energy and my mind. My aches and pains no longer bothered me and my health began to pick up. I began to feel in control of my days, more present to my children and of course my self esteem began to rise.

I began to Rise and Shine.

As I created space for myself, my life became spacious and time became my friend.

This was so amazing that I have now gone on in my training so I can inspire you and bring this simple yet potent self care practice to you.

Does my story resonate with YOU?

If so I look forward to seeing you in the Rise and Shine Studio.


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"Thank you so much Madhu.I am so so happy to be working with you - you give me the space to build the thoughts that will guide me going forward.

Nic Duncan

"This time last year, I was a frazzled mother of 2, just barely getting by. Thanks to The Rise and Shine Studio and Madhu's guidance , I'm a happier, healthier person for myself and my family."

Rebecca Campbell